The tiger is part of the cat family.
When he is not He-man, the tiger's name is Kringer. When he IS He-man, the tiger's name is battle cat.
big cat vs. small cat don't go together
A Bengal is a new hybrid breed of cats. It has markings that is reminiscent of the Asian Leopard cat (wild-looking markings) and the temperament of domestic cats. It was conceived by cross-breeding Asian Leopard cats with domestic cats. Not to be confused with the tiger sub-species with the same name: Bengal tiger.
a tiger is part of the family of cats.
The Liger is a cross-breed between a tiger and a lion.
Since the tiger is part of the Felidae family, it means that ALL cats are related.However, the tiger is one of the four "big cats" that make up the genus Panthera, the other three being the lion, jaguar and leopard.They are the first biggest cat and the largest.
Toyger cats are a striped breed domestic cat. The aim was to cross these cats to produce a striped 'toy tiger' as the coat pattern is reminiscent of the tiger's striping. The Toyger is a breed in development. It is recognized only by TICA being accepted there for Registration Only in the early 1990's and Preliminary New Breed in 2000.
Other names for tiger include panthera tigris, big cat, and striped cat.
Albert Einstein had a cat. Her name was Tiger.
Tiger , Cat , Dog , Horse , Elephant , Butterfly .
Siberian tiger.