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Angus cattle are the most common.

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Q: What is the most common breed of cow in Manitoba?
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Related questions

Which breed is the most common milk poducing cow?

The Holstein breed.

Which breed is the most common milk producing cow?

The Holstein.

Is there a cow called a painted cow?

No, there is not a breed named a painted cow. Holsteins are the most common breed that may be mistaken for similarities of the the Paint horse breed. Holsteins have large black and white spots.

What is the breed of cow?

Well, there is no best breed of cow, but it depends on what you are asking about like a cow that produces the most milk would be a Holstein.

What kind of cow does Kobe beef come from?

Wagyu cattle are the most common breed that is used for Kobe beef.

What is the best cow breed?

Well, there is no best breed of cow, but it depends on what you are asking about like a cow that produces the most milk would be a Holstein.

What is the most common type of cow?

The most common type of cow is the Holstein cow. They are known for their distinctive black and white markings and are the most widely used dairy cow breed in the world. Holstein cows are valued for their high milk production.

Black and white dairy cattle the most popular breed in the world is what type of cow?

Angus cattle are the most common of the beef breeds and Holstein cattle are the most common of the diary breeds.

What is the second most popular breed of a dairy cow?


In what country did the Holstein cow orginate?

The Holstein cow originated in the Netherlands. They are known for their distinctive black and white markings and are one of the most common dairy breeds worldwide.

What is the most common cow that beef comes from?

purple cow

How do you breed a cow with human male?

You don't. You can only breed a cow with a bull.