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It's an animal rights activists term to anthropomorphize the slaughter of cattle for meat, making people believe that cattle are equivalent to humans and that slaughtering cattle is equivalent to murdering humans, which is not true at all. Cattle are not humans, not should be treated as such. Cattle, like all prey animals are born to be food for animals higher up on the food chain, such as humans, wolves, lions, and other carnivorous/omnivorous animals.

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Q: What is the meaning of murder of cows?
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murder of cows by means of sexual activity

Do wolves eat cows?

personally I think that wolves do but they won't murder the cows they only eat the premurdered cows.

Fear of cows?

Fear of cows, known as bovinophobia, is a type of specific phobia that may stem from a negative or traumatic experience with cows. Symptoms may include anxiety, avoidance of cows, and panic attacks. Treatment usually involves therapy techniques such as exposure therapy to help alleviate the fear.

What is The Godfather movie about?

it is about how awsome cows are It's actually a movie about Horror and murder. The person who gave you the first answer is an idiot.

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The saying 'when the cows come home' means for a very long time or indefinitely, as cows typically come back to the barn at the end of the day, signifying a prolonged wait or delay.

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Who makes cows eat donkeys?

Nobody. Cows don't eat donkeys. Cows are herbivores, meaning they only eat plants, not other animals.

The word meaning the family that cows are in?

The word to describe the family that cows belong to is Bovidae.

What is the meaning of solicitation to commit murder mean?

It is my understanding that that means asking someone to commit murder for you.

What is the figurative meaning of warp and woof?

cows go moo..... warp and woof

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