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There is no spiritual meaning that I know of, if that's what you mean. Coyotes adapt readily to human presence and habitation, so seeing them is nothing special--something akin to seeing a fox in Europe.

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15y ago
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15y ago

If someone has said to you "you've encountered a coyote," and you know you have not seen any canine looking animal, they are most likely referring to the type of person who makes a living bringing illegals into the country. This person is breaking the law. Many people have died by placing their trust in a coyote.

Encountering a real coyote in the woods can be dangerous if the animal is hungry or feels threatened.

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14y ago

it means that you've seen something that is very amazing, that never ever happens, it is like winning the lottery. "i just saw a coyote in the daylight," means that you just had a miracle happen to you. The reason for this is because coyote's NEVER come out in the daylight.

-Brad D.

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15y ago

Coyote Adaptability, humour, insight, Nature, playful, prankster/trickster.

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12y ago

That ones life is unfulfilled, the soul is lacking....the coyote is a messenger so look deep within yourself and start living

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