The life span of a Pharaoh Hound is 11 - 14 years.
Yes, the Afghan Hound is classified as a sighthound, or, more broadly, a Hound.
The Afghan Hound is in the Sighthounds Group (Group 10).
No, the Afghan Hound is not available in all version of Nintendogs and Nintendogs and Cats.
The Afghan Hound has the longest coat among the sighthounds. If left untrimmed, an Afghan Hound's coat can almost reach the ground. Read more about the Afghan Hound in the related links.
The average litter size for a purebred Afghan Hound is 6 to 8 puppies.
the life span of a bassett is roughly with good care 15 to 16 years: 0
The Afghan Hound is born alive. All breeds of domestic dog are placental mammals.
No, a Persian greyhound is not the same as an Afghan hound. The Persian greyhound is another name for the Saluki, a breed of dog with origins in the Middle East, while the Afghan hound is a separate breed known for its long, flowing coat and elegant appearance.
A hound dog lives to be from age 10-14 years old.
Afghan Hound's are officially registered by the Kennel Club and pedigree records are kept of their breeding, therefore they are pedigree.
As it is a proper noun, being the name of something, it has the first letter in each word as a capital and so it is Afghan Hound.