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Picea Gluaca

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Q: What is the latin name for white spruce?
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Related questions

What habitat is the white spruce in?

white spruce grow in dry fertile lands

Is the white spruce a generalist or specialist?

The White Spruce is a generalist as it can withstand a variety of lighting and soil conditions.

What is an aberdavine?

An aberdavine is another name for the Eurasian siskin or spruce siskin, Latin name Spinus spinus, a green and yellow finch related to the goldfinch.

What is the scientific name for the Black Spruce?

The scientific name for Black Spruce is Picea mariana.

What animals live on white spruce trees?

The White Spruce attracts squirrels, grouse, chickadees, grosbeaks, crossbills, sparrows, juncos, moose, and hares. Red squirrels, spruce grouse, and other birds and rodents eat the seeds and buds off the White Spruce.

What is the scientific name for and evergreen plant?

Sempervirens is the Latin word for evergreen, but here are some specific names in Latin for some evergreen trees: White Pine Pinus strobus Norway Spruce Picea abies Serbian Spruce Picea omorika Colorado Blue Spruce Picea pungens 'glauca' Leyland Cypress X Cupressocyparis leylandii Arborvitae Thuja spp. Canadian Hemlock Tsuga canadensis White Fir Abies concolor Douglas Fir Pseudotsuga menziesii Cryptomeria Cryptomeria japonica American Holly Ilex opaca

What is the scientific name for a blue spruce?

The scientific name for a blue spruce is Picea pungens.

What is the botanical name for spruce?

Picea Abies

What is the Latin name for Snow White?


Is there a threat to the White Spruce Tree?

no there is not

What eats white spruce?

White spruce can be eaten by a variety of animals, including deer, moose, rabbits, and porcupines. Insects such as spruce budworms and spruce beetles can also cause damage to white spruce trees.

What is the latin name for whitetail?

# The White-tailed deer has the Latin name Odocoileus virginianus # The two common species of the White-tailed spider have the Latin names Lampona cylindrata and Lampona murina # The Common Whitetail dragonfly has the Latin name Libellula lydia