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Horses do not have a multiple-chambered stomach. They just have a single stomach like a human or a dog has, not multi-chambered like a cow or sheep has.

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Q: What is the largest compartment of the horse stomach?
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What is the largest compartment of a cow's stomach?

The rumen.

Is the stomach of a giraffe the same as a humans?

Giraffes, like cows, are ruminants. They have a four-compartment stomach which can pass partially digested food around to aid the digestion of plant matter. The final stomach compartment, called the abomasum, is the closest equivalent to the stomach of a monogastric animal such as a human.

Which horse is the biggest horse?

A Clydesdale a shire horse is the largest horse breed, and many countries boast having the largest horse Images below-

What compartment of a ruminant animal's stomach would you find nails and wires?

The reticulum, which is also called the "hardware" stomach.

What is the largest racing horse?

The largest racing horse is a thoroughbred. Secretariat is a thoroughbred for example

What is an abomasus?

An abomasus is the fourth compartment of a cow's stomach, following the omasum.

How many stomach dose a horse have?

Horses only have one stomach.

Is a deer a monogastric or ruminant?

Yes, the horse has only one true stomach compartment, but they are actually pseudoruminants because they have an enlarged cecum.

What order are the cow stomachs used?

The first compartment of the stomach is the rumen, where the forage is churned and fermented by billions of bacteria. The second compartment is the reticulum, which mostly serves as a waste basket for things the cow ate but can't digest (such as wire, sticks, etc.). The third compartment is the omasum, where the water from the first two compartments is pulled back out. The fourth and last compartment is the abomasum, which is very similar to a human's stomach - it is where stomach acid starts to break down proteins.

The palomino horse has what kind of digestive track?

The palomino horse a monogastric digestive system, (it has a single stomach with a single stomach chamber, as opposed to a ruminant digestive system, which has a four-chambered stomach. )

Which muscle is the largest in the body?

The Stomach

Is the stomach the largest organ in the body?

No, the largest organ of a human is the skin.