A lair is nothing but a resting (and nesting) place for an animal.
I think it is called a lair
it is the milk of the worm called turmomintyusfreashius. it is a burrowing animal that smells of mint.
A burrowing animal covered with bony plates that act as armor is called an armadillo. In Spanish, the word "armadillo" means "little armored one".
The fox's home may be called a lair,a den or, simply, a burrow.
The animal returned to it's lair at night.
A den, a lair, a burrow - it has many names.
their home or lair is an 'earth' although according to the encyclopaedia they usually sleep in grasses or thickets, using an earth or lair in the breeding season
In their burrows.
a lair is like a cave or a hiding place for a wild animal of some sort.
Lair: the den or dwelling of a wild animal