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It only exercises the vitue of charity (to the giver) and the virtue of humility (to the receiver). If you give importance to the act, then the act ceases to be a virtue. BTW; the Buddha died of food poisoning by eating spoiled food that was offered (charity)to him.

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Q: What is the importance or significance of giving food to the monks?
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You have given the answer in your question, for as the monks support the people spiritually, so the people support the monks physically. The one giving spiritual food the other giving food for sustenance.

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Most monks have productive gardens and even farms.

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How much do Buddhist monks make?

no money. they are monks because it is their belief, and the monastery provides food and housing.

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Monks are religous people living in groups in a place called a monastery, they grow their own food.

How do monks get food?

Will I think they eat bread and wine And is from rayan

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by giving them food

What kind of food do Buddhist monks eat?

the same food as us but at different times and in different ways