Female Hippos attain sexual maturity at around 6 years of age. Males reach sexual maturity at around 7.5 years of age. However, males don't get to mate until they are much larger and older. Hippos have a gestation period of around 8 months after which a single hippo calf is born. Baby hippos are born under water and weigh around 25 to 45 kilograms in weight (60 to 110 pounds). They are around 125 cms (50 inches) in length at birth.
gestation period of an axolotl?
Raccoons have a gestation period of 63-65 days.
What is a gestation period of a pincher
The gestation period of a rhinoceros is 16 months.
The gestation period of a baboon is 6 months.
The gestation period is five months.
what is the gestation period for french partridge?
The gestation period. You can also call it the pregnancy period as well.
what is the megalodon's gestation
The gestation period of the Springbok is 24 weeks.
The Okapis gestation period is about 458 days on average
Horses have a gestation period of 340 days.