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Q: What is the function of corp commander in CAT officer?
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Related questions

What is the name of the police officer on Top Cat?

it was officer dibble

Why did NASA name their rocket Apollo?

It was named after the flight commander's cat.

How old is top cat and officer dibble?

Top cat is 57 and dibble is 62

What is the function of a cat's pes?

The function of cat's pes is to kill people in their defense of food being. This the defense mechanism that this uses.

What was the policeman's name on the cartoon Top Cat?

Officer Dibble

What are the rank of leaders of the citizenship advancement training?

In the Citizenship Advancement Training (CAT) program, the leader ranks are typically organized as follows: 1. Company Commander, 2. First Sergeant, 3. Platoon Leader, 4. Squad Leader. These leaders are responsible for guiding and managing the cadets during the training.

What was the name of the police office in Top Cat?

officer charlie dibble

Who is the voice of officer dibble in top cat?

The late Allen Jenkins .

What are the release dates for Heathcliff - 1980 An Officer and an Alley Cat Hector Spector 1-47?

Heathcliff - 1980 An Officer and an Alley Cat Hector Spector 1-47 was released on: USA: January 1984

What actors and actresses appeared in Cat Circus - 2010?

The cast of Cat Circus - 2010 includes: Igor Fedorov as Police officer Renata Richards as Cat Seeter

Who said the words 'Top Cat was framed in the Top Cat film trailer?

if I remember in the film it was rather choo choo or officer dibble

What is TC salary?

Top Cat (TC) the cartoon character cat that hangs out with Officer Dibble, being a cartoon, will not actually get paid a salary.