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Plants & fruits are the main source of giraffes!

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9y ago

Grass, leaves and milk

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Q: What is the food of a baby giraffe?
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Related questions

What is the name of a baby giraffe?

A baby giraffe is called a calf."an infant giraffe"

Can you buy a baby giraffe real live?

Yes you can but you need a permit and they will be reviewing you to make sure you can afford food for the giraffe and that your living situation can occupy the giraffe. You also need a to be emotionally capable of handling the intense mood swings of the giraffe; that is arguably the hardest part of raising a baby giraffe "real live".

What is baby giraffe abilities?

baby giraffe abilities is same as adult giraffe abilities, but smaller.

Is the baby giraffe closer to the mother giraffe or the father giraffe?

the baby giraffe is closer to the mother because after mating the father leaves

How do you call the baby of giraffe?

A baby giraffe is called a calf just like a baby cow.

What does a baby giraffe look like?

A baby giraffe looks like a smaller version of an adult giraffe. If in the first few minutes of the birth, the baby giraffe will be rather wobbly as it tries to stand. It is important that the baby is soon able to walk and run along side their parents, as there are many predators in the wild.

What is the name for a baby giraff?

The name used for baby giraffes is a 'calf'.

What is the the length of a giraffe?

It depends.. If the giraffe is a baby, male, or female

Is an elephant taller than a giraffe?

An elephant is bigger in its weight,in its size,not in length,so giraffe is taller then elephant.

What does the male giraffe do when the female giraffe is nursing the calf?

get lots of leaf for the female giraffe so the baby giraffe is healthy.

Can a moose and a giraffe have a baby?


What is a babby giraffe called?

According to Wikipedia, a baby giraffe is calve.