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The baby dolphin is pushed to the surface for air by the mother.

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The baby takes its first breath and stays by its mothers side!

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Q: What is the first thing a baby dolphin does after its born?
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What is the first thing a dolphin does after its born?

BAbie dolphins eat small fish and sea plants.

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What is young one of dolphin called?

A baby dolphin is called a calf. The calf is very dependent on its mother. The two will spend many months together sometimes even years before the young calf can take of itself. Dolphin babies are born flukes first and sometimes come out head first. As soon as the baby is born the mother pushes it to the surface for its first breath or air. Baby dolphins dont know how to swim when there born but they learn about a half hour after there born.

Where do bottlenose dolphins get there name from?

Bottle nose dolphins have that name simply because that is the shape of their nose!

Can a baby dolphin swim the day it's born?


When does the baby dolphin eat?

Whenever the baby dolphin is born it drinks it mothers milk and then moves on to eat fish whenever able to hunt for fish.

How big are the baby dolphins?

After the baby dolphin is born, it measures to about a meter (3.8 feet) long. Also, their weight is about 18 kilograms (40 pounds). Plus, baby dolphins are born tail first and lack the sense of smell!!

Does dolphin give birth to young or eggs?

Dolphins are mammals, so they give birth to a live baby dolphin. A mother dolphin gives birth in the water, and her baby is called a "calf." It takes about twelve months for it to be born.

Is a dolphin hatched from a egg or born alive?

Baby dolphins (called calves) are born alive.

Does a baby river dolphin turn pink?

No, it is born the same color as his/her mother.

What will a baby look like when he's born?

a baby dolphin weights 10 tons when born and they are black and white and tiny but can weight alot

What is the average childhood lenght for dolphins?

When they are first born a baby dolphin is approximately three feet long. By adulthood many species of dolphins measure in at about eight feet in length.