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no thats not right please help me

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Q: What is the domestic cat's order?
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Related questions

How many breeds of domestic cats are there?

according to the book ,domestic cats, there is only 30 breeds of cats

What are indoor cats called?

domestic cats

Do big cats eat domestic cats?

Yes sometimes cougars,leopards,tigers and other big cats will make a meal domestic cats

What is the domestic cats scientific name?

The scientific name for domestic cats is Felis catus.

What are cats reladed to?

In means of domestic cats, they are related the the wild cats.

What are wild domestic cats called?

Feral cats.

Is there a dichotomous key for domestic cats?

A dichotomous key is a means of scientifically labeling cats. Yes, there is a dichotomous key for domestic cats; it is felis cactus.

Do domestic cats live in all countries?

Yes - domestic cats are on all continents and in all climates (that I know of)

How do domestic cats like to play?

Domestic cats like to play with yarn or paper bags, and cloth and catnip.

Where are cats orinalgy from?

Domestic cats originally came from Egypt.

How many domestic cats are there in the world?

its averaged at 1 in 25 cats.

Why are there cats in the world?

Domestic cats are in this world to keep people company.