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Q: What is the dog name in tigger and pooh?
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What is the name of the girl on Tiger and Pooh?

If you mean Tigger and Pooh on the Disney channel, the girl's name is Darby.

Name of the tiger in Winnie the Pooh?

His name is Tigger. T-I-double g-er

What Winnie the Pooh movie is how to be a Tigger from?

The Tigger Movie .

What is Tigger's full name in Winnie the Pooh?

Winnie-the-Pooh, Pooh Bear, and Edward Bear. He also had an alias- according to the book, he was "living under the name Mr. Sanders". This was because Mr. Sanders was written above his door in gold letters- and he lived under it.

When was Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too released?

Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too was released in December 20, 1974

What are the ratings and certificates for My Friends Tigger and Pooh - 2007 Eeyore's Sad Day Tigger's Bedtime for Bouncer 1-6?

My Friends Tigger and Pooh - 2007 Christopher Froggin' Piglet's Rocky Problem 1-25 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G

How do you say Tigger in Hebrew?

I'm not sure if you meant Tiger or Tigger: Tiger = tigris (טיגריס) or namehr (נמר) Tigger is the name of a character from Winnie the Pooh, and it is the same in Hebrew as it is in English: Tigger (טיגר)

Why is Tigger so smelly?

tigger is so smelly cuz he was playing with pooh!

What type of tiger is Tigger from Winnie the Pooh Perhaps a Bengal tiger?


In what episode of Winnie the Pooh does Tigger yell squanky squanky?

It's the one where him and pooh are watching a dog for Christopher Robin and lose it in a grocery store. it's called a pooh day afternoon. you are welcome

What are the release dates for My Friends Tigger and Pooh - 2007 Eeyore's Sad Day Tigger's Bedtime for Bouncer 1-6?

My Friends Tigger and Pooh - 2007 Eeyore's Sad Day Tigger's Bedtime for Bouncer 1-6 was released on: USA: 2 June 2007

pooh s best friend?
