

Best Answer
  • Humans:
  • ability to talk
  • read
  • write
  • cook
  • and everything else we humans do...
  • we don't have Tails,
  • long arms, big mouths, short / long legs
  • Monkeys
  • clim trees fast
  • they are hairy
  • cant speak
  • jump realy high
  • their skulls are a bit different from humans
  • something very different is that some monkeys have a TAIL
  • have short / long arms and legs

they are 0.1% different from humans
Monkeys and humans are different because monkey are primates. Also, although they are also extremely intelligent, as are humans, their level of thinking is still not as advanced as our's is.

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Q: What is the difference between humans and monkeys?
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Is there a difference between a monkey and a chimp?

Yes, there is a difference between monkeys and chimps. Monkeys have tails, while chimps do not. Chimps are also more closely related to humans than monkeys are.

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Monkeys have bigger thumbs.

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we r people and they are monkeys

How do monkeys have an impact on humans?

We evolved from monkeys the only difference is that their bones are much larger and theyre way hairier than us

Did the monkeys get smarter while turning human?

If you are referring to an increase in overall intelligence during the course of evolution then you have mistaken monkeys for apes as the evolutionary source of humanity. Monkeys were monkeys a long time ago, while some apes did evolve into the humans of today. To find a simple difference between them, look for a tail. Monkeys have tails and apes do not.

What is the difference between a monkey and an ape?

Monkeys have tails but Apes are tailless.

What are humans and monkeys?

Both monkeys and humans are considered primates.

Are humans from monkey?

Well, Monkeys and apes are from the same ancestors. We are not from monkeys.

Are people that are part monkey real?

No, interbreeding between monkeys and humans is not possible.

What is similar between humans and monkeys?

They/We both have thumbs, 5 fingers a brain

How are you and monkeys alike?

Monkeys are the closest thing to humans because monkeys were like humans in 12 BC

Are monkeys really humans?

Monkeys were never humans. Now on the other hand chimps were. HAHAHA JUST KIDDING! Monkeys are not humans. Case closed.