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According to the related link below, males tend to be more blocky in their heads and bodies than females do. Females, or does, of medium to large-sized breeds develop a dewlap (a flap of skin under their chins) as they get older. Older does are often much larger than a buck.

Although there are many common differences between male and female rabbits, such as those described above and others, looking at appearance and/or behaviour is not a sure way to tell if a rabbit is male or female. Like humans, rabbits are individuals and there can be a lot of variation! Just like how some men seem more feminine than others, some male rabbits can seem more like females, and vice versa. The only sure way to know if a rabbit is male or female is to examine the genitalia. See the related question below for more details but, briefly explained: In order to sex a rabbit, put it on its back (this will "hypnotize" it and make it easier to handle -- but be careful because this doens't work for all rabbits and rabbits can seriously injure themselves from mishandling!!). Use your fore and middle finger to press down the vent area just in front of the anus. In both sexes, the area will protrude. Does have a slit or a central line running up and down. In bucks, you will see a blunt white tube without a central line that does not have pink transversing on either side of the slit. In older bucks, they will present a pink tube with a bullet-pointed end. This bullet-pointed end is the penis.

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12y ago

The only way to tell if a rabbit is male or female is by examining the genitalia, but if your rabbit struggles, or if you aren't used to holding rabbits, you can seriously hurt your rabbit by turning it upside down, so be very careful! See the related question below for more details and helpful links.

Aside from genitalia, there are some common differences between male and female rabbits (see below for examples), although these differences are no guarantees of gender because, just like humans, female rabbits can sometimes, in some ways, "appear" male, and vice versa (like how some women are very tall, even though women in general are shorter than men, so you can't tell a person's sex from their height).

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According to the related link below, males tend to be more blocky in their heads and bodies than females do.

It is said that males have better temperaments

Females, or does, of medium to large-sized breeds develop a dewlap (a flap of skin under their chins) as they get older.

Older does are often much larger than a buck.

An un-neutered, mature male rabbit, (several months old and more), will have two large pink testicles under his belly near the back legs. A female will not.

In younger rabbits, it is harder to tell the sex. Grab the rabbit and turn it on its back in your lap. It helps to have someone to hold it while you check. Hold the tail back and press gently either side of the "area in question" (you're looking for the slit-like, pointy hole here, not the bit where the droppings come from), so that it sort of rolls outwards. There is a knack to this. A female will come out to be a pyramidal shape with a slit up one side, a male will be straight up-and-down like a post and with a round hole in the middle. Also if the male is more than 3 or 4 months old you may see a rounded protrusion appear in the middle. Sound hard in writing, but once you've seen both it is easy to see the difference.

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7y ago

One has a penis and one has a vagina. One has xy chromosoes, and the other xx chromosomes. One gives birth, the other impregnates.
Male guinea pigs have a male sex organ... also they are more typically adventurous and they like to be left alone and do not like to be held. Never touch a guinea pig on its butt. They hate it. Males are also larger and less common.

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14y ago

When you sex them, there you will find the difference. The males have a small penis, and the girls just have a hole! That is all there is to it! Their behavior may differ, but that is the main point!

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13y ago

The only way to tell for sure if a pet rabbit is male or female is to examine its genitalia. (Pet rabbits are the same species as the wild European Rabbit.) See the related question below for details.

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8y ago

The most obvious difference is that the female has a pouch and the male doesn't.
In all species of wallabies, males are larger than the females. Older males are considerably larger, and they will often have distinct muscles visible in their forearms.

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16y ago

no big difference when they are small, yet when they become adults, male urine is sometimes pigmented (colorful, yellow to dark brown) and makes stains on the walls of the cage.

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12y ago

Rabbits are both male and female. Males are called bucks, and females are called does.

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