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One is male. One is female.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Q: What is the difference between Spanish female and male teachers?
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What teachers are known as in spanish?

'Maestras' for female teachers, or 'maestros' for male teachers 'Maestra' for a female teacher, or 'maestro' for a male teacher

What is the word teachers in spanish?

Maestro (male) maestra (female). Profesor or profesora

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Gracias, maestros/as. (male or mixed gender/female)

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There is no difference.

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Senora is a female that is married. Senorita is used to call a female who's single. But be carefull, if you call an older female "senorita" even if she's not married and it will be appropiate it can be take as an insult.

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