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discus for me about the dangerous of lions

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Q: What is the dangerous of the lions on the humans and on the forests?
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Related questions

What or who is a lion dangerous to?

Lions are dangerous to humans and other animals. Basicly lions are dangerous to everything, and everyone because they are meat eaters.

Who are more powerful the humans or lions?

humans are powerful because they can kill a lion by a gun but still lions are dangerous

When is a lion dangerous to humans?

Lions are typically dangerous to humans when they feel threatened, cornered, or hungry. It is important to be cautious around lions, especially in the wild, and to avoid provoking or approaching them.

Is a lion more dangerous than a tiger?

It depends on where you are. If you are in a forest, the Tiger is more dangerous because Lions don't live in Forests, they live in Deserts, where you most likely will not see a tiger. Overall, I think they are tied, Because tigers are stronger, but lions hunt in prides.

How can lions be dangerous to human beings?

Lions can be dangerous to humans due to their predatory nature and strength. If they feel threatened or hungry, they may attack humans. Encounters with lions are rare, but it's important to exercise caution and not approach them in the wild.

IN what circumstances can lions be dangerous to humans?

Lions are most dangerous to humans in the first 10 days following a full moon. Most attacks occur between 6 PM and 9:45 PM. Approaching cubs or lions in general is not wise as it can be considered threatening by the lion.

How does the lion interact with humans?

Lions are typically aggressive and territorial animals, and their interactions with humans can be dangerous. In the wild, lions may attack if they feel threatened or cornered. In captivity, lions may become habituated to humans but can still exhibit unpredictable behavior. It is important to maintain a safe distance and not approach wild lions.

Are lions dangerous to humans?

well they are carnivores so if somehow u got bitten they may mistake u for a steak?

Under what circumstances can lions be dangerous to humans beings?

Lions can be dangerous to humans when they feel threatened or when they are desperate for food. Encountering a lion in the wild can be risky, especially if the animal is injured, protecting its territory, or feels provoked. It's important to maintain a safe distance and avoid any sudden movements if you come across a lion.

In what habitat do mountain lions live?

Mountain lions live in a variety of habitats - conifer forests, deciduous forests, rain forests, grasslands, savannas, wetlands, mountains and deserts.

Why do lions not live in the forests?

cause no deer there

Can lions not be dangerous?
