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the daily life of a giraffe is simple. they eat

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Pretty much as male giraffes, by browsing.

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Q: What is the daily life of a giraffe?
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What does giraffe eat in his daily life?

A giraffe prefers to browse upon the twigs of tress of the genera Acacia, Terminalia, and Commiphora, but they also eat fruits and grasses.

What is the name of the famous giraffe which lives in the life education caravan?

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What is the giraffe life span?

Both male and female giraffe live about 25 years

What age can a giraffe walk at?

A giraffe baby learns to walk within the first half hour of life

What is the largest giraffe?

Nature is the giraffe. Because eating the leaves of tall trees.This is a type of life on Earth.

Does a giraffe give life birth?

Yes. Its a mammal.

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20-25 years

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