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In this story,the author points out that life is dynamic and it goes on despite all trials and tribulations.Those who face life as it comes and live energetically and enthusiastically are really brave men and the true winners at the end.This is conveyed through the life of Baldeo and his son.Baldeo,a khalasi at a small wayside signal stop is dutiful and he performs his duty sincerly and dies.His son replaces his father and he,too,performs his duty with zeal and sincerity.

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Q: What is the critical anlysis of the tiger in the tunnel?
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Related questions

Who are the characters in the tiger in the tunnel?

the characters in the story 'tiger in the tunnel are' baldeo and tembu.

Who are the main characters in the story 'Tiger in the Tunnel'?

the main characters of the story 'tiger in the tunnel' are baldeo and tembu

What is the critical analysis of 'The Tiger in the Tunnel' by Ruskin Bond?

There are many possible themes the reader could acquire from the story "The Tiger in the Tunnel". Ruskin Bond wanted to reach out to readers and demonstrate to them that no matter how strong someone has become, they too must also die while everything around them keeps progressing the same.

Who was tembu in the story Tiger in the tunnel?

The Tiger in the Tunnel is written by Ruskin Bond. Tembu is the son of Baldeo, who is one of the main characters in the story.

Who is Baldeo in tiger in the tunnel?

Baldeo is a character in the story "Tiger in the Tunnel" by Ruskin Bond. He is a brave and experienced watchman who guards a tunnel in the forest, ensuring the safety of passing trains. Baldeo's dedication to his job and his bravery in facing the dangerous tiger that threatens the tunnel demonstrate his strong character.

What decision did tembu after his fathers death in the story tiger in the tunnel?

After his father's death in the story "Tiger in the Tunnel," Tembu decided to take on his father's role and responsibility of guarding the tunnel. He wanted to prove himself and honor his father's memory by successfully protecting the trains passing through the tunnel from any potential danger, including the tiger.

Reasons to Justify the title tiger in the tunnel?


What is cutting in tiger in the tunnel?

Sharp curve or edge

What is the ful form of SAP?

System anlysis project devolopement

What is the tiger's 2009 status in regards to the Endangered Species List?


What is the order of endangerment on tigers?

All tiger subspecies are endangered. Some are critical, like the Chinese tiger, who may already be extinct in the wild.

Where was Baldeo the watchman killed according to the story tiger in the tunnel?

baldeo however was ready. he avoided the paw and brought his axe down on the animal's shoulder. the tiger gave a roar. again baldeo drove his axe. the tiger swerved and the axe caught the tiger on the shoulder almost severing the leg. the axe remained stuck in the bone, and baldeo was left without a weapon. the tiger roaring with pain now sprang upon baldeo bringing him down and then tearing at his broken body. ruchi