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Federal and state agencies have spent over $12 million on the original 18 Meeteetse ferrets and their progeny, and the associated recovery and transplant efforts (Gober, 1995). When calculated in terms of ferrets grown for release, this comes to a cost of almost $40,000 for every ferret returned to the wild. When calculated in terms of surviving ferrets, the cost skyrockets to $600,000 to $1.5 million for every captive-bred ferret that still roams the prairies of Shirley Basin, the CMR, and the Badlands National Park. Clearly, the ferret cannot be saved without spending money. But the costs today are excessive, particularly given the near-certain budget cuts facing the Fish & Wildlife Service and its cooperating federal agencies. Even the more modest cost-estimate of $5,000 for every current and future captive-bred ferret is excessive (Clark, 1995a, Gober, 1995, Hinckley, 1995, and Thorne, 1995b). Such amounts are draining the financial resources of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department and straining the budgetary capabilities of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Recovery is simply not working: The black-footed ferret remains perched on the edge of extinction, seemingly fated to become little other than a zoological curiosity.


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Q: What is the cost of the black footed ferret conservation?
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Costs of vaccinations for a ferret can vary widely between veterinarians and your location. Contact your local veterinarian for costs.

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The cost to castrate a ferret is can widely vary depending on where you live and even between veterinarians in the same city. Contact veterinarians where you live about costs.

How much will it cost for a ferret and the stuff to take care of it?

Cost of ferret first year minus veterinarian - $337.00 - $922.00 Age 1-3 minus veterinarian - $247.00 - $419.00 Age 3 - minus veterinarian - $165.00 - $481.00

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Veterinarian costs can vary widely even within the same city. Ferret vaccinations may be between $75.00 and $150.00.

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About the same as it costs to fix a female cat,but not all vets do it.

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The cost to castrate a ferret is can widely vary depending on where you live and even between veterinarians in the same city. Contact veterinarians where you live about costs.

How much does it cost to get a ferret from a rescue agency?

It depends, usually about 100.00 US dollars per ferret, older ferrets may be less, as bonded ferrets that need to stay together may also be discounted.

How much is a checkup for ferrets?

Its usually charged by office visit, they will consider a ferret a pocket pet, so there for its normally between 35-50 dollars per visit now if you want shots such as distemper or rabies you will have to pay for the office visit plus rabies shot which is normally 15 dollars and a ferret distemper which is normally about 25 dollars