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I'm not a veterinarian, so I can only give general advice, and I would still advise you to call your local veterinarian for further support. Late in pregnancy, a clear, odorless discharge is normal, and usually indicates the dog is going into the first stage of labor (a dog's gestation length is around 63 days). Her temperature may drop one or two degrees, and this first stage of labor, equivalent to humans "breaking water," can last up to 24 hours. If the discharge is brown, green, bloody, or foul-smelling, see a veterinarian immediately, as this often indicates a serious complication requiring emergency care. Monitor your dog as she goes into labor and if she seems to be struggling excessively or taking a long time (each puppy usually takes 2-10 minutes to be born) you may need veterinary assistance. You may also want to bring the puppies and the mother into a veterinarian after they are born to prevent neonatal complications (canine eclampsia is a big one to watch out for).

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Q: What is the clear slimy discharge coming from pregnant Maltese dog?
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