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A pretty boring one, apparently. All cheetahs are closely related, apparently all are descendents of a single female who lived about 11,000 years ago. This does not augur well for long-term species survival. Howeve,r a ray of hope may be seen in the appearance of the occasional king cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus rex) which is just different enough from its ancestors to suggest their might be some fresh genes to work with.

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Q: What is the cheetah genetic code?
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DNA is the genetic code

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the code is_thewebkinz

What species species are cheetahs?

-cheeetah -king cheetah (made by genetic disorder) Used to be a Furry Cheetah but went extinct

What is the genetic code code for?

instruction stored in the gene in the form genetic code.

Where is the Genetic code is caried?

DNA carries the genetic code.

What is a result of the limited genetic variation in the current cheetah population compared to earlier cheetah populations with more variation?

d. current populations of cheetahs are able to interbreed with other species, increasing genetic variation.

What is a result of the limited genetic variation in the current cheetah populations compared to earlier cheetah populations with more variation?

d. current populations of cheetahs are able to interbreed with other species, increasing genetic variation.

What is secondary genetic code?

The secondary genetic code is the folding of protein.

What are the Components of genetic code?

The genetic code is carried by the macromolecule DNA. In particular, the sequence of nitrogen bases on the DNA determines the genetic code.

Why has the cheetah been dying?

The cheetah population has very similar genetic structure. Similar structures in genes will dangerously increase chances of animals dying off from genetic disasters such as a new disease or envirmental change. If one cheetah is effected negatively, others are highly prone to effected negatively as well.

How could you classify the king of the cheetahs?

The genetic difference between a King cheetah and a regular cheetah is so small that it can't be classified as Another species.