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Its called shedding. They do this because dogs need to grow hair follicles to keep cool/warm in different weather climates

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Q: What is the cause of molting in a dog?
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Related questions

How do you pronounce molting?

The word molting, aka: a dog is molting, this is pronounced like mole-ting.

What is a sentence for molting?

The molting lava started flowing from the volcano. This is an example to the word molting.

How do you spell molting?

That is the correct spelling of "molting" (also moulting).

How do you use molting in a sentence?

My penguin is not molting, penguins do not molt.

What does a penguin do when it is molting?

Replacing its feathers

What would happen if a hermit crab dug a hole in the sand and went in it?

Nothing really. It is probably molting or just trying to get some shade. Look up " What should you do when your hermit crab is molting? " for what to do when your hermit crab is molting. Or just type in " molting " to know what molting is.

What does it mean for a dog's claws to be discolored a few of my dogs claws turned white and he is molting what could be wrong?

It depends on a variety of factors. If he is molting excessively, it might be fleas, mites, or a variety of other parasites. The claws do that naturally with aging. If you are very worried, consult a vet.

Molting of an insect?


What is it called when penguins lose their feathers?

I think its called molting i think it is.

How long will your hermit crab be under the sand molting?

It will usually be molting for a month or two. It's important that you try to leave your crab alone when it's molting.

Does dog cause mold?

no, dog pee however can cause mold.

What is the process of the snake shedding its skin called?

It's called molting