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Q: What is the body type and size of a cheetah?
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What is the approximate size of a cheetah?

The adult Cheetah wieghs from 77-160 pounds and its total head-body length is 43-59 inches.

What type of cheetah is it?

um what type of cheetah is what? there is only one type.... cheetah.

How many body parts does a cheetah have?

a cheetah has 3 body parts

What type of eater is a cheetah?

A cheetah is a carnanor

Does the cheetah have spots on its body?

Yes a cheetah does have spots on his body and tear marks by his eyes

What is the shape of the cheetah?

the shape of a cheetah is like the size of the whole wordl

What does a cheetah's body covering look like?

A cheetah has fur.

What is a cheetah size and weight?

a cheetah can vary in size + weight. the av. is about 41/2 ft long and weighs 60-120 lbs

How many bones does a cheetah have in its whole body?

A cheetah has approximately 207 bones in its whole body.

What kind of body covering does a cheetah have?

another kind of body covering for a cheetah is fur it is golden brown with black spots

What is the birth size of a cheetah cub?


What is the mark on the cheetah body?

a spot