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* it has black skin which absorbs heat

* the big paws have a large surface area so they are warmer and can walk across the snow

* it has a layer of fat that works as insulation

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Q: What is the body part that assists polar bear in swimming and walking?
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What is the movement of the polar bear?


What eats a white polar bear?

Only the orca is known to occasionally kill and eat a swimming polar bear.

What bear is best at swimming?

I believe its a Polar Bear... but I could be wrong.

What is the polar bear's only predator?

The orca is the only animal that will kill and eat a swimming polar bear.

Who is the archenemy of the polar bear?

The only animal that will kill and eat a polar bear, excluding man, is the orca. Orcas will occasionally kill and eat a swimming polar bear.

What bear is known scientifically as Ursus maritimus in reference to its prodigious swimming?


What can eat a polar bear?

Orcas are known to occasionally kill and eat swimming polar bears.

What is the cruising speed of a polar bear?

The typical cruising speed of a polar bear is about 3 1/2 miles per hour on land. When swimming, a polar bear can cruise at about 6 MPH.

Is the tiger bigger than the polar bear PS not in weight?

No. A Polar Bear is much larger in size as well as weight when compared to a Tiger. The Polar Bear is the largest carnivore walking this earth. Siberian Tigers are huge but they are not as huge as a polar bear.

Who is a polar bear's enemy?

Orcas occasionally kill and eat swimming polar bears.

Is there any animal that eats a polar bear?

Yes, orcas will kill and eat swimming polar bears.

Are polar bears good swimmers?

The scientific name of the polar bear is Ursus Maritimusor "seagoing bear" reflecting the fact that it is often seen at sea up to 320 km from land and swimming at a speed of 5.5 km/hr, (a bit of math shows the bear has been swimming for 60 hours to get to that point and has 60 hours to get back)The polar bear's body fat provides buoyancy, and its large paws useful for walking on snow are equally adept at moving the bear in water.