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Male mountain gorillas.

the gigantopithecus blackii i think

The gigantopithecus died off over 100,000 years ago. The Male mountain gorillas are the biggest i believe but that is not their scientific name.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Gorillas are the largest primate in the world, they are an ape. If you are looking for the largest monkey, that would be the Baboon.

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8y ago

The Mountain Gorilla, especially the alpha male who leads the family group.

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9y ago

The largest living apes are the gorillas. There are two species. The largest is the eastern gorilla.

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9y ago

Humans are one of the largest primates. Some other large apes are gorillas and chimpanzees. The largest monkeys are mandrills, followed by baboons.

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14y ago

Probably Gorillas

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Q: What is the largest of the living primates?
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Gorilla are the largest of the living what?

gorillas are the largest of the living primates

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Since we are considered primates as well, there are at least 7 billion.

What is the largest of all primates?

My uncle Cliff. Or the gorilla.

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The Silverback is a breed of Adult male Gorilla, also the largest of the primates, the Silverback habitat is forestry in Africa and they are the second closest living relatives to human.

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The aye-aye.

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Primates come from all over the world. They are all international, plus we humans are primates too. Actually, every living thing except water, sunlight, soil, etc., have a class of different primates.

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Is it true that there is a giant gorilla?

There is no scientific evidence supporting the existence of giant gorillas. The idea of giant gorillas is often portrayed in fiction, such as in movies like King Kong. In reality, gorillas are the largest living primates but they are not giant in size.

What is the difference between primates and non primates mammals?

All mammals are not primates. There are mammals like deer, lions and bears and none of them are primates. However, all primates are mammals. There are only a select Family or Order of species that are primates, including Gorillas, Orangutangs, Humans, Baboons, Spider Monkeys, Chimpanzees, etc.

What is something special about a mouse lemur?

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