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some kind of disease its not some kind of disease you idoctioc people i even asked my teacher so you know nothing you people are no help

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Q: What is the biggest danger for young turkeys besides being eaten by predators?
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Besides being eaten by predators what is the biggest danger to young turkeys?

Starvation is the biggest danger to young turkeys besides being eaten by predators. Although, starvation is uncommon, it can happen to the young when the mother stops taking care of it.

What is the biggest danger to young turkeys?

The biggest danger to young turkeys is other animals. Adult turkeys can outrun most dangers, but young turkeys do not run as fast. Of course, hunters are another danger to young turkeys.

What is the biggest danger for bats?

People are the greatest danger to bats. Besides destroying their habitat, the fear of bats often causes people to kill them.

Why do turkey gobbie?

Turkeys gobble to signal a human to stay away or to warn other turkeys of danger

What sound does a turkey make to communicate danger?

Turkeys communicate by gobbling. The sound is pretty funny and they tend to do it on a regular basis to communicate with other turkeys.

What are flamingos enemies?

Flamingos live in areas with shallow water beside lakes and rivers where there are few predators. Their most common predators are birds of prey such as eagles and hawks passing over. The adult flamingos are not in danger from such predators because of their large size, but their chicks are and they must stay near and protect their chicks. The biggest danger to flamingos is loss of habitat due to human encroachment and pollution by humans.

What are the predators of the babirusa?

humans, lions, leopards and hyenas are the major predators of olive baboon. however, troop of baboons can fight against leopard and hyena but lions and humans are biggest danger for them.

What was the biggest danger to US troops on the Mexican-American war?

the biggest danger toward the US troops was the disease in Mexico

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It runs at 60 mph to run away form dangerous predators

Are tortoises in danger?

in some countries they can be by predators and mainly pollution

How does the wild turkey interact with humans?

Turkeys that are domesticated don't mind humans, although, wild turkeys may be scared and do a sound called an alarm. The alarm sounds like high pitched putting and clucking. It warns the other turkeys in the area that there is danger.