Antisocial behavior is not normally treated with antidepressants.
The one your doctor prescribes.
No. It is how people behave when using them that can be at times.
It depends on how you respond to a certain medication & your condition(s). Trazodone itself is an anti-depressant, so you are already taking one anti-depressant. You should get the best advice from your doctor.
In my experience, sertraline (Zoloft). It varies from person to person.
courtship behavior
courtship behavior
The Best Defense Survival - 2009 Anti-Social Media was released on: USA: 20 February 2013
Highly social
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for A+ its the customs that define social behavior within a group or society
for A+ its the customs that define social behavior within a group or society
It can be completely okay to do so. Effexor is an activating anti depressant. Meaning if you tend to get sleepy and low energy with a depression, it is a good choice. Lamictal is a mood stabilizer. Abilify has multiple uses. It can enhance a anti depressant, it can level a manic state, or be used at an anti psychotic. ALWAYS, ask your doctor why he is giving you a med. As much respect as I have for mine...he is a service industry. He serves you. And stability requires a team effort. Best of luck...there is life after meds...