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20 - 30 mph

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Q: What is the average speed of a hippo?
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Did either animal change it is speed How can you tell?

Yes, the hippo changed its speed. We can tell because the rate of change in the hippo's position over time is not constant, indicating a change in speed.

How fast can Dobermans run?

the fastest dog is Sam Mburu, he can run at an average speed of 168 mph, much faster than a hippo...

What is the average length of a female hippo?

as long as a giant penis

How much a hippo cost?

$4,100 is the average retail price for a Hippo in America, it would cost nearly $20,000 to feed and shelter it.

How much does a hippo cost?

$4,100 is the average retail price for a Hippo in America, it would cost nearly $20,000 to feed and shelter it.

Can a hippo run faster than man?

A Hippo can run from 18 mph / 30 khm; to 30 mph / 50 khm and the "Average Human" can run between 14 and 27 mph (Olympic sprinters ignored for the purposes of this question) - so the answer would be that a Hippo can, on average, outrun a human.

How much does a hippo weigh on average?

Hippos do not do that sort of thing, they are not domesticated. They are one of the most dangerous mammals in the world

What is bigger a rhino or a hippo?

A RHINO!!!!! EMILY!!!!! YES IT IS!!! OH YESSS!!! Hippos are bigger on average.

When are speed and average speed the same?

Average speed is an average value of speed over a given time. If your speed is constant (not changing), then your average speed will equal your speed at any given moment in time.

How much would a hippo cost?

$4,100 is the average retail price for a Hippo in America, it would cost nearly $20,000 to feed and shelter it.

What is the average height of a hippo?

They are around 5 feet tall at the shoulder.

Does a hippopotamus weigh a ton?

Well, the average weight for an adult hippo is 2 tons. A female hippo is around 1 ton (can get up to 3,300 pounds) hope this helped!