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63 km/h

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Q: What is the average speed of a cheetah that runs 88m in 5 seconds?
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Calculate the average speed in ms of a cheetah that runs 140 meters in 5 seconds?

The average speed of the cheetah can be calculated by dividing the distance traveled by the time taken. In this case, 140 meters / 5 seconds = 28 meters per second. Thus, the cheetah's average speed is 28 m/s.

How fast can the cheetah go?

The Cheetah on average runs about 40 miles per hour. The Cheetah is able to reach top speed of about 70 miles per hour.

If a man runs 200 meters in 25 seconds what is average speed?

Average speed = 200 meters per 25 seconds It can also be written as 8 meters per second

What is the average speed of a cheetah that runs 65 m in 3.0 seconds?

Assuming it is a scalar quantity (basically it is running in a straight line) it is 65/3 = 21.666666666666666666666666667 m/s. HOW TO FIGURE IT OUT the formula is distance equals speed times time. So, if you want to find speed, do distance divided by time.

A cheetah runs at a top speed of 60 miles per hour but it can only sustain this speed for 45 seconds How many miles does it travel in this time?

It travels 3/4 of a mile in that time.

An athlete runs 100 meters in 12.5 seconds what is his average speed?


What is the average speed of a man that runs 350 meters in 17 seconds?

21 m/s

How can you calculate the speed of a cheetah that runs 140 meters in 5 seconds?

That would be 28 meters per second. Wow that's fast. That's 62.63 miles per hour.

What is a runners average speed if he runs 100 meters in 15 seconds?

6 2/3 meters per second

A sprinter runs the 100 m dash in 9.8 seconds. What is the sprinter's average speed?

~10.2 meters per second.

If a runner runs 100 yards in 9.6 seconds how many mph is he runnin?

He is running at an average speed of 21.31 mph.

A cheetah runs 900 meters in 30 seconds how fast is it going?

900 meters/30 seconds = 30 meters/second