The oldest horse in the world is not 457. Where did you hear that? The average horse only lives 25-30 years so I'm guessing that the oldest horse is around 50 or 60. The oldest horse is not older than the oldest human.
the oldest horse in england is 51 i think hes the oldest he was in the news paper
The average age for a horse to live, no matter the gender, is 25 to 30 years. the oldest horse was a male horse named Old Billy who lived to be 62.
horses can live anywhere form 15 years to 40 years of age. the oldest horse i have encountered was 48 years old, but you couldn't ride him. the average horse lives to be about 25 years old
The average age for a horse is 30 years old. I did a report on horses for school and found out that the oldest horse lived to be 65! He more than doubled his life span.
Up to 40 years old.
I am sure without any doubt that the world oldest living horse is alive. :)
The average age was 41. The oldest was Franklin at 81 .
The oldest horse ever was Old Billy a English barge horse that lived to be 62.
62 years!See horseparagraph "age" and, more precisely,references 1 and 2The average age is 25-30 years, but some can live up to even 65 years!