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McNasty is a brand of chew-stopping spray for horses. You can find it a most feed/tack shops.

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Q: What is the Name of spray to spray on wood to stop horses chewing it?
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there is a special spray so the dog will stop chewing anything you spray the spray can get the spray at petsmart

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cats do stupid stuff. I think that a good idea is to enforce the chewing as bad behavior and spray your cat w/ water w/ a spray blottle when he/she id chewing the sheets. Make sure you only squirt them when they are chewing and not the 20 after when you are finding the bottle, because then they won't be able to connect the two and recognize the chewing as bad.

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Assuming what you meant to ask was "How do you stop your horse from chewing wood", I would suggest an electric fence wire lining the post rail fencing in the horses paddock. The fence wire sends a mild electric pulse when the horse touches it, teaching him not to touch the fence therefore not to chew the fence. If your horse was chewing on a rug or bandages though, for example, I would buy a pepper spray bottle from your local saddlery. It is a unique formula of spices that tastes 'hot' when the horse chews on whatever it has been sprayed on, teaching him not to chew.

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stop moving your jaws... Or you could just eat that Nicoteen chewing gum.

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All dogs, not just female pitbulls, go through a chewing faze as puppies. Many dogs like the way a certain person smells and will only chew that person's things. To stop dogs from chewing the wrong things, you can buy green apple and/or vinegar spray to spray onto your shoes and furniture that the dog is chewing. Be stern with your, but not harsh!

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To stop your puppy from chewing on the carpet, provide plenty of appropriate chew toys and redirect their attention to those toys when you catch them chewing. You can also try using a bitter spray or deterrent on the carpet to discourage chewing. Consistent training, supervision, and positive reinforcement will help teach your puppy what is acceptable to chew on.

What is bad to dog's nose?

I am not sure what you are asking by this question. I assume you are seeking something to spray onto something your dog is chewing to make it smell bad to stop it from chewing? If so, pet shops sell something called "bitter apple" which is basically a miracle training spray. You just spray it onto the couch or whatever it is you dont want your dog to chew, and it smells and tastes bad to them, therefore stopping the dog from destroying anymore furniture. If this is not what you were asking, i apologize.

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Is it safe for me to put 'Bitter Apple Spray' on wires to stop my rabbit from chewing wires?

It is, and it will deter some rabbits. However, some rabbits (like mine) really like the taste of it, and will just lick it off. If the bitter apple spray actually taste good to your bunny, try hot sauce (mine likes the taste of hot sauce too, but it deters some rabbits from chewing).

How do you stop your son from chewing on your fingers?

There is a product called bitter apple that can be used to discourage chewing.

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Horses stop racing at about 5-6.