Tamiasciurus, which is latin for a pine squirrel
The Eastern Grey squirrel is considered sciurus carolinenis, and the Red squirrel being sciurus vulgaris.
sciurus carolinenis: eastern grey squirrel sciurus vulgaris: red squirrel
Sciurus niger
Squirrel = Sciurus
A baby Mexican grey squirrel.
There is the Grey Squirrel and the Red Squirrel
The Latin name for a Great Grey Owl is Strix nebulosa.
There are no wild bears in Ireland. Bears would only be found in zoos. The last bears died out in Ireland in the 10th century due to over hunting by the Vikings, probably to make themselves some nice warm clothes.
An Abert's squirrel is a squirrel, Latin name Sciurus aberti, a species of tree squirrel endemic to the Rocky Mountains, named after John James Abert.
A bare-eared squirrel monkey is a species of squirrel monkey endemic to Brazil, Latin name Saimiri ustus.
grey squirrel