in Chinese elephant is called '象' [xiàng], and '大象' [dà xiàng] is more commonly used in daily life.
The Chinese.
Njogu is the Kikuyu word for the English word elephant.
The word for the sound an elephant makes is "trumpet."
Yes, the word elephant is a short e word.
The Spanish word for elephant is "el elefante".
The phonemic representation of the word "elephant" is /lfnt/.
Elephant comes from the Greek word for ivory (ελεφαντόδοντο) as is reflected in the Greek word for elephant (ελέφαντας)
Chinese Elephant riding
The Igbo word for "elephant" of the Western African origin is enyi.
大象 (Dà xiàng)
This was a famous elephant who liked to eat Chinese muffins!
The word elephant is not actually listed in the Canonical Scriptures of the authorized versions of the Bible. However, the word ivory is mentioned many times. Some people believe maybe the word Behemoth in the book of Job was referring to an elephant. The word elephant is used in the Apocrypha.