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the eat trees that die off because of them eating the baby trees and Foxes and volutes and owls :)

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Q: What is the Australian Rabbit's food web?
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Why was the Australian rabbit introduced?

Rabbits were introduced to Australia to act as a food source for colonists.

What would a scavenger be in an Australian Grasslands food web?

A hermaflafla

What is the Interactions between food chain and food web?

a food web shows animals that eat consumers and producers, and it shows several animals that eat the same thing say: rabbits and cows eat grass, foxes eat rabbits, humans eat rabbits and cows, if you get what i mean? a food chain is like: grass-->rabbit-->fox. hope this answer helped :)

What impact do rabbits have on food chains and food webs in Australian habitats?

Rabbits can have a detrimental impact on food chains and food webs in Australian habitats by outcompeting native species for food resources, causing a decrease in vegetation cover and altering habitat structure. This can lead to a decline in populations of native species that rely on the same resources, disrupting predator-prey relationships and overall ecosystem balance.

Bobcat food web?

In a bobcat food web, bobcats are predators that feed on small mammals such as rabbits, squirrels, and rodents. They may also consume birds and reptiles. Bobcats themselves may become prey for larger predators such as cougars or bears. The interconnected relationships among these species form a complex food web within the ecosystem.

What elements are missing in a food web where there are two producers mice grasshoppers rabbits fox owls snakes squirrels and frogs?

the food web is too hard to learn. but keep trying. that's all!!

What is a over lapping food chain?

Food web.

How did the rabbits get to other places?

it shot web

Where does rabbits get their energy from?

Rabbits get their energy from food and sleep.

What is the possessive form of rabbits?

The possessive form for the plural noun rabbits is rabbits'.

Why is a complex food wed better than a simple food chain for the survival of a community?

Because in a simple food web there is no room for adapton and change like there is for a complex food chain. For example, lets say the world was only rabbits and foxes. now the foxes eat all the rabbits and the rabbits become exctinct. So sow with the foxes only source of food gone, they'll starve to death, which in turn, causes the world to turn into an empty wasteland. But with a complex food chain, was as is, the foxes would have mere to prey on which would save the rabbits and the foxes. I hope i helped...

Who brought the rabbits to England?

The Romans are believed to have first brought rabbits to England around 2,000 years ago. They were likely introduced for food and fur.