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Well i have one, so i know all there is about yorkies, here are some things: Appearance - Small and flat head and fairly short muzzle. Small prick ears and dark eyes. Colours- Tan face, chest and feet. Dark steel-blue body. Height and Weight - 18- 25.5cm in height. Up to 3.2Kg in weight. Male and females are same weight and height range. Common Health Problems- Generally an alround healthy breed. If any problems, likely to be kneecap or elbow dislocation, cataracts, epilepsy and Leggs Perthes disease. Living Conditions - Will do well in either country or city life, even apartment. Exercise Requirements - Standard daily walk will suffice, but will certainly enjoy more. Training Requirements - Can be trained fairly easily in basic obedience. Life Expectancy - 12 - 17 years. GROOMING - If the coat is grown long and silky it will require daily brushing to keep it tangle free. The head hair if often tied back to keep out of the eyes.

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Yorkie poos are a cross between Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies, and Poodles.

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