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They are extremely intelligent! research has shown that llamas are smarter than dogs, and learn about as fast as a five year old child. However, they often use this smartness to trick the humans and pretend they've forgotten how to do something even though they never forget anything once they've learned it.

Also, they are different from any other more conventional farm animal. they have no teeth on the front of the top jaw, only a hard pallete. They are modified ruminants which means they have three stomachs instead of one or four. They don't have a corpus calossum, which means the brain halves are not connected and you have to teach each side of the llama seperately. They have five different gaits: walk, jog, lope, pace, and pronk. The females can stop their labour anytime and move to a different location up until the baby has its shoulders out. they make a high pitched turkey-like sound whenever they spot something scary. Adults will attack and chase any dog that gets too close. I've had llamas that jumped the fence to chase the neighbor's dog.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

because the llama is a very cute and intreguing thing

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βˆ™ 15y ago

llamas are great watch dogs. They protect sheep from foxes and dingoes by chasing the predators away.. Their wool is also very soft

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βˆ™ 14y ago

because llamas are the best animals ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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βˆ™ 13y ago

llamas are awesome creatures that like grass

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βˆ™ 13y ago

because they are amazing!

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Parturition is a medical/veterinary term for birth. So the parturition of llamas would be when little llamas come out of pregnant llamas.

How do you ask llamas to the banquet?

Well, llamas in general are very shy and do wish to have there 'personal space' so make sure you are relaxed before you the approach this special llama. Usually llamas choose their mates quickly so you have to approach them before some else does... If you are a human male or female then you should consider counselling and medical help before attempting this

Do llamas fit into food chain or food web?

Llamas are herbavores, so they mostly eat grass

Why are llamas so weird?

They got it from their mmamas.

Do tigers love llamas?

Llamas live mostly in South America. Tigers live mostly in Asia. So no.

Why do llamas have big nostrils?

Llamas have big nostrils because, in prehistoric times, mice could not find homes during the winter. They tried to fit in the llamas nostrils but could not fit. So, the mice stretched out the llamas nostrils. Now causing all llamas to have large nostrils.

How do llamas fight?

They spit over food, and in the wild they use special teeth called "fighting teeth"

How do Llamas travel?

llamas travel about thirty miles in the day and about three miles at night so overall alot of miles

Why do llamas spit on people so much?

so they can protect them self

How far do llamas travel?

llamas travel about thirty miles in the day and about three miles at night so overall alot of miles

Do llamas spit on cows?

well llamas only spit when they're angry so if the cow makes it angry i guess it could.