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It's an English translation of Ovid's line from his _Amore_ (1.13.40): "O lente, lente currite noctis equi!" - O, run slowly, slowly, horses of the night!

He's asking the horses pulling Time's chariot to slow down so he and his mistress have more quality time :)

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Do horses eat less grass at night?

Horses typically graze intermittently throughout the day and night. Their grazing behavior is influenced by factors such as weather, temperature, and access to food. Some horses may prefer to graze more during the cooler evening hours, while others may spread out their grazing evenly throughout the day and night.

Do horses only have their babies at night?

horses can have babies whenever they go into labor, but it isn't always during the day or night

Why are astronauts able to ride horses at night?

Astronauts can ride horses at night because their experience in space has no impact on their ability to ride horses on Earth. The two activities are unrelated, and astronauts can participate in regular activities like horseback riding when they are back on Earth.

How many horses are in A Midsummer Night's Dream?

None. There is a donkey, or rather, a half-donkey, but no horses.

How good is a horses night vision?

Horses actually have great night vision! A layer in the horses' eye called the tapetum lucidum greatly intensifies light and reflects that light back on to their retina, which make horses well equipped to see in the dark, much like a nocturnal animal. (It's also why a horses' eyes get that eerie green glow if you shine a flashlight towards them in the dark). To appreciate their night vision, consider this: when the electricity goes out, you and I may slowly grope and feel our way through the blackness of our house that we're very familiar with (and still do a flying squirrel maneuver over the coffee table!), while a horse can run a winding trail at night, weaving its way through trees with little to no difficulty.

Where is the night-eye located on the horse?

A horses night eyes are located toward the inside of the knee.

Do chameleons move quickly or slowly?

They move slowly in the day from the predators but quite quickly in the night because it will be dark.

Where do horses stay the night before the grand national?

in a stall

How do horses save energy on like cars and trucks?

by resting at night with their wifes, molesting all night

What do horses eat at night?

Horses eat continuously throughout the day, they do not eat at any specific times. However in domestic situations horses may be fed at set times which are at the discretion of the owner or barn manager.

Over taking horses?

Over take a horse slowly on the inside and make sure they know that you are going to do it.

Why are nightmares have to do with mares or horses?

Night mares have nothing to do with nightmares at all!