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In most cases seal hunting is when someone goes out and kills a seal with a gun or clubs it to death. They hunt the seals for their fur and less commonly for their meat. Hope this helps.

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15y ago
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13y ago

They are hunted for their coats. The Natives eat seal meat and feed ti to their dogs. There are some that do it for fun.

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15y ago

Seals used to be hunted all ever the world but since humans have been killing them there is only a few places for seals are hunted. Must places it is banned.

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15y ago

They dive underwater and catch a fish!!!!

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Q: What is seal hunting?
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the seal hunting first begin when your mom was die

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Hunting and Jumping is one of their best qualities.

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Whale hunting, Polarbear hunting, fishing, seal hunting i think

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Predation. The shark is hunting and consuming the seal for sustenance.

Do seals live in Norway?

Yes, but seal hunting is a tourist attraction, so.

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It is banned. Has been for many years.

What is the definition for the word sealing?

The verb sealing is the present participle of the verb to seal, to hunt for seals. The present participle of the verb is also a gerund (verbal noun); the noun sealing is the act of seal hunting. The present participle is also an adjective to describe a noun related to seal hunting.

What has been done to protect seals and whales from hunters in antarctica?

Most countries apart from Japan (and Iceland?) have banned whale hunting. And with the request for seal furs dropping seal hunting isn't much of an isssue these days.