Werewolves can only be killed by weapons made of silver, or coated in wolfsbane (which is poisonous to everyone, not just lycanthropes) or by other werewolves. It can be assumed, then, that they could also be killed by any other supernatural creature, though there is no crossover reference in the lore for this, only in modern treatments on the subject.
The myth says that anyone who is bitten by a werewolf has no choice to become a werewolf. They transform to a werewolf at night on a full moon. They also die from nothing else but a silver bullet. Wolfsbane is a plant that a werewolves weakness and is like a poison to werewolves.
werewolves are real myself i am but when u get bitten by one that wat makes u one
Yes, there are werewolves in Skyrim, and the player is able to become one.
You can't. Werewolves do not exist, and it is impossible for anyone to become one.
Werewolves are real because i am one i change every night
Sorry to "burst your bubble" but werewolves to not exsist.
Werewolves are mythical, therefore they were made in stories.
No, werewolves do not exist, and there is no evidence to suggest otherwise. And even if you could meet one, you wouldn't want to.
Of course, werewolves do not actually exist. What would make you think they do?
In stories about werewolves, if you shoot one with a sliver bullet it will die. Silver also hurts werewolves.
Werewolves are mythical creatures and no scientific evidence has ever been found that one exists.
There are many myths based about werewolves. It being a myth, no-one knows when or who invented werewolves.