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"White-tailed" refers to the distinctive white tail that when raised is a flag and provides a flash of white, signaling other deer when there is danger. Deer are graceful and swift runners (up to 35 miles per hour), but do not generally run long distances, preferring to seek the nearest shelter whenever possible. Male deer are called "bucks", females "does" and baby deer "fawns". These deer tend to live in female-led family groups of up to 25 deer and may live to ten years or more.

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13y ago
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10y ago

White-tailed deer have long legs to get through the tall grass. Their legs are long and powerful to enable them to run fast to escape from danger, and to make long jumps. They also have tough tongues to eat the pointy cacti. They have antlers so the males can fight each other during the breeding season, and white tails to signal to their flock when they are in danger. The females do not have antlers, but they do have white tails, and the fawns have a spotted coat when they are born so that they are harder to spot. Their fur colour helps them to camouflage so their predators cannot see them as easily. They have good sensitivity of hearing, and make an alarm call to escape from predators.

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13y ago

the white tailed deer willl dance and prance around its mate to try and get attention

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10y ago

sticking up it's tail

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What has the author David H Hirth written?

David H Hirth has written: 'Social behavior of white-tailed deer in relation to habitat' -- subject(s): White-tailed deer, Social behavior in animals, Animals, Behavior, Habitations

Do white tailed deer migrate?

Yes, White-tailed deer do migrate.

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A white tailed deer is a herbivore.

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a white tailed deer is a vertebrate

Why is the white-tailed deer special to Illinois?

The white-tailed deer is the state animal.

What animals do white tailed deer eat?

White tailed deer are herbivores. They do not eat animals.

Do owls eat white tailed deers?

No, owls do not eat white tailed deer. White tailed deer are much bigger than owls.

What is a baby white tail deer called?

Baby or Young White Tailed Deer look cute. They are called fawns. Fawns are the young of a Doe (Female White Tailed Deer) and a Buck (Male White Tailed Deer).

What is different about a white tailed deer than a deer?

White-tailed deer are a type of deer. You need to be more specific as to what other kind of deer you mean.

What is New Hampshires state animal?

the state animal is the white tailed deer.

Is it white tailed deer or white tail deer or whitetail deer?

whitetail deer

What are facts about the white tailed deer?

a white tailed deer has a white tail and the rest of its body fur is brownFrom another user:White tailed deer have a white under side of their tail which they show when running as a warning to other deer. They also have white speckles.its a deer that has a white tail white under belly and you will know if its a white tail deer cause when it is spooked its tail goes up and that warns other deer also shoot it especaly if its a buck.the white tailed deer is a nice deer sometimes mean to other animals.