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Possibly insects or to much fertillizer is burning them up.

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Q: What is eating your plants in the greenhouse?
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How do you get past the eating plants on spy island?

The Venus Flytrap plants will attack you in the greenhouse on Spy Island. Avoid them by jumping on the other hanging plants instead.

How do you overwinter plants in a greenhouse?

Overwinter plants in a greenhouse by simulating the season and temperature of winter in the greenhouse.

How do you protect plants in greenhouse from temperature?

The plants in a greenhouse are already protected from the temperatures and weather conditions. Sometimes if the temperatures drop to low, a blanket or tarp can cover the plants in a greenhouse overnight for extra protection.

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] ==

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What gas do plants use in a greenhouse?

Humorous answer: greenhouse gasses Correct Answer: Carbon dioxide, just like when outside and not in a greenhouse.

What is the best way to keep plants?

in a greenhouse

How do greenhouse water the plants?

a mister system

What do plants need to live in a greenhouse?


What type of gas do plants in greenhouse use?

Plants in a greenhouse use carbon dioxide gas during photosynthesis to produce oxygen and energy for growth.

How do you use a greenhouse?

you simply use a greenhouse by putting plants in there and water them and then you simpley watch them grow

What happens in a greenhouse?

In a greenhouse the gases in a greenhouse collect the sunlight and trap the heat. This provides sunlight and a warm temperature for plants to be able to grow.