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Only one mammal can truly fly, the bat. True flight is when the animal can flap its wings to gain height, birds and bats. Gliders launch themselves from height and spread the flaps of loose skin from front to rear paws, like a hang glider, from one tree-top to half way down the next.

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Q: What is difference between gliding and flying?
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Why is the northern flying squirrel not just called the northern gliding squirrel?

When people first saw squirrels traveling in the air, they thought they were flying like birds and/or bats, not gliding. It took people a while to realize the squirrels were really gliding, not flying.

What has the author Dennis Pagen written?

Dennis Pagen has written: 'Hang Gliding and Flying Conditions' 'Powered Ultralight Flying (Sport Aviation Publications Series)' 'Powered Ultralight Training Course' 'Hang Gliding Flying Skills' -- subject(s): Hang gliding 'Hang Gliding Training Manual' 'Powered ultralight aircraft' 'Understanding the Sky'

What is gliding?

gliding is falling but with style so if you put a kite on your back and fall of a cliff you will feel like your flying but your falling in angles and in slow motion

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How small is the flying sqirrel

What are unique body parts of flying fish?

gliding fins I think...

How do flying squrreils fly?

They can't. Squirrels that can "fly" are actually gliding/jumping.

What are synonyms for airborne?

flying, floating, in the air, hovering, gliding, in flight, on the wing

How can you tell a tree squirrel is a flying squirrel?

Flying squirrels are nocturnal and have larger eyes. Flying squirrels also have a flap of skin that they use for gliding.