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Conformation is the skeletal and muscular conformation of an animal. It is crucial because it enables an animal to be able to function normally in terms of eating, reproduction, and mobility. Good conformation is very important in breeding herds.

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Q: What is confirmation and why it is important?
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What renewal at confirmation is very important?

The renewal of your baptismal promises at confirmation is very important as this is what you need to live a Christian life.

What is the most important part of confirmation?

The most important part of Confirmation is when the pope, bishop or priest annoints you with the very important oil called the Chrism.

Why are the signs and symbols in confirmation important?

they explain the true meaning of confirmation and the whole purpose of the sacrament

How important is the confirmation to the Catholics?

Confirmation is very important to Christians, as it is only one of seven sacraments that Our Blessed Lord established to give grace to them, it cannot be repeated, and it completes baptism.

What is the most important officers in the senate?

Perhaps the confirmation of Supreme Court justices is most important. Of course, the Senate must pass on every law, and this is very important. Ratification of treaties can be very important and confirmation of cabinet officers can important at times.

Why is singing important in celebrating confirmation?

To express our joy and to give glory to God.

How was Confirmation important to the early Catholic Church?

They received the Holy Spirit for the first time.

Why is confirmation no longer important?

I dont think I quite know what you are asking but I'll answer this: Why is confirmation no longer important today? Confirmation is still important - it never became unimportant. The purpose of confirmation is for a person to confirm their beliefs in a religion/faith. They take it upon themselves to be responsible for their own religious journey and practice. In our present day, many do not realize this or just dont seem to care. For example, many youth are "forced" to be confirmed. Their parents or grandparents tell them they have to do it or tell them that it's just something everyone needs to do. However, confirmation is the outward act of telling God you want to follow Him and this is a serious commitment. One should not take it lightly.

Why is the blessing on the head important while having your confirmation?

The blessing on the head is part of the matter of the sacrament.

Why is it important for your child to make his confirmation?

As this is the first step for your child to give his life and live good lifes. Unless he is Christian, it isn't. If he is, then Confirmation is the first step to complete participation in the church and in the Eucharist.

Why is confirmation important to Christians?

Confirmation is seen as the sealing of the covenant made at Baptism. Whereas baptism is normally a parents' decision for their infant child, confirmation is usually received at a coming of age for most. The confirmed person becomes a congregation member at their own choosing. Avid followers of Christianity desire a full lifelong development into the faith and Confirmation is obviously a crucial step in that regard.

What is the impotance of confirmation?

Confirmation is the confirmation of a Catholic's belief in God through a Sacrament.