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a German Shepherd should get at least two walks a day each walk should be at least 30 minutes if the dog was fixed those dogs usually have a different metabolism so they usually can't burn off fat easy if the dog was from a breeder ask if the family of that dog have obesity problems.

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Q: What is causing your female German Shepherd to be obese?
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What is obese in German?

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Do German sherpard dogs get obese?

Any type,breed,gender, or age of dogs can become obese this is a much more serious thing than most people think it is. But if you are a true animal lover and can provide the right exercise then your dog will not become obese.

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depending on your age and gender female 18-25 yeah'S OBESE!

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No, 188 pounds is not a good weight for you. According to BMI (Body Mass Index) standards, you are either very close to overweight, or obese (depending on your gender). For males, those statistics are considered obese (91 out of 90 percentile, 90 being obese), and for a female, it is just below obese (85 out of 90 percentile, 90 being obese).

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Probably ANY man will develop breasts when taking female hormones.

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ANSWER Referred to an obese or overweight people it means: fett wie ein Schwein, Speckbauch, Dick.

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