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Group of killer whales release air bubbles around school of fish creating a sort of barrier(net) and hunt them at ease

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humpback whales

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humpback whales and bowhead whales

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Humpback Whales.

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Q: What is bubble netting as regards whales?
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What do whales like to chew?

Blubber gum

Do whales have any hair on their bodies?

whales bodys are basically hairless, however some young have hair on their snouts for a time not to burst your bubble, but whales actuallly DO have whiskers on their chins

Which companies sell golf netting online?

Golf netting can be purchased online from companies such as Par2Pro, Sport Netting, and West Coast Netting. Golf Netting can also be purchased from Amazon and eBay.

What are whales used for?

Whales are primarily hunted for food. Some cultures use the whale's blubber for oil as well. More whales are hunted in Japan than in any other country.

How can you keep birds from getting trapped in your bird netting?

You can keep birds from getting trapped in bird netting by removing the netting or using a color of netting that the birds can see.

What is bubble net fishing?

It is the hunting technique used by hump-back whales in groups. The method is named so because the aerial view looks like a large spiral bubble.

How do whales find their food?

Humpback whales blow bubbles out of there mouth and swim in a circle creating a "bubble net" that traps prey. Then they swim up and eat their prey ,whick is mostly krill

What actors and actresses appeared in tessaROXX TV - 2011?

The cast of tessaROXX TV - 2011 includes: Tessa Netting as All Housewives Tessa Netting as All Potter characters Tessa Netting as Fangirl Tessa Netting as herself Tessa Netting as Katniss Everdeen

Could you show geometrical shapes?

what is netting?and netting in geimetrical shapes

When was M. Graham Netting born?

M. Graham Netting was born in 1904.

When did M. Graham Netting die?

M. Graham Netting died in 1996.

What are facts about humpback whales?

I found a really good website. I did a report on humpbacks. You might find this helpful. really works no lie.Some fact on humpbacks are:It weighs 36000kg, humpbacks fast in winter and live off fat reserves. Their diet consists of krill, and small fish, a tatic called bubble netting is used to feed.Numbers dropped by 90% due to whale hunting. Sometimes they will breach, throwing 2/3 of body out of water. Calves sometimes play with bottle nose dolphins,