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Sand cat populations are under threat due to the destruction and degradation of their natural habitats. They are legally protected from hunting in many countries and many are being raised in captivity in an effort to boost the population by reintroducing them to the wild.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

They are near the threat level. This means that it is in the middle.

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Harley Williams

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βˆ™ 2y ago

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βˆ™ 12y ago

because people are shooting them for a sport and because people hunt them to sell them

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βˆ™ 8y ago

Sand Cats are endangered because of Poachers.
Because they are hunted by pochers

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Sand cats are being protected and conserved by prohibiting their hunting in certain parts of the world like Algeria, Iran, and Israel. Sand cats are also known as sand dune cats.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

I think people are leaving them alone, so that way they can live in a safe environment

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Sand Cats are not endagered.

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Harley Williams

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βˆ™ 2y ago


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Sorry. They are alredy extinct .

How can humans help the sand cat species?

You should not literally help sand cats. They are a wild cat and are normally found in the deserts.

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Being fast can help a cat catch prey or run away from danger.

What is the food chain of a sand cat?

The sand cat eats snakes ,rats ,lizards.

What is the largest sand cat that exists?

Felis margarita thinobia is the largest species of sand cat.

Why is the sand cat endanger?

The sand cat is endangered because they are hunted by humans, collected and sold.

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by putting them in zoos that are safe

True or false equals you are doing no work when you hold your 5kg cat in your arms?

If you are just holding the cat and nothing is being moved toward or away from the ground, no work is being done.

What is the major threat to sand cats?

Habitat degradation is the major threat to the sand cat. Vulnerable arid ecosystems are being rapidly degraded by human settlement and activity, especially livestock grazing.

How much does it cost to adopt a sand cat?

You are not able to adopt a sand cat. They are wild cats that are protected by their resident countries' laws. However, some organizations may allow you to make an honorary adoption of a sand cat by making a donation.

How are caracal and sand cat the same?

The Sand Cat (Hebrew: פלסן קרקל, also Plasan Caracal) is a composite armored vehicle designed by Plasan of Israel.The Sand Cat was first shown publicly as the Caracal at the AUSA show in October 2005.

If a cat purrs does it help it bones?

no is just means it is being loved. like when my cat gets a scratch he purrs. it just shows how much the cat loves you.