Bison is a taxonomic group containing six species of large even-toed ungulates within the subfamily Bovinae. Two of these species still exist: the American plains bison (B. bison bison), and the American wood bison (B. bison athabascae) are subspecies found in North America and the European bison, or wisent (B. bonasus), found in Europe and the Caucasus. (Wikipedia) For the source and more detailed information concerning your request, click on the related links section ( indicated at the bottom of this answer box.
Bubalus bubalis is the name for water buffalo Hope this helps.
The scientific name for Buffalo leather can vary depending on the species of buffalo the leather comes from. For example, the scientific name for the water buffalo is Bubalus bubalis, while the scientific name for the American bison is Bison bison. Both species can be a source of leather.
That would depend on which type of buffalo you are referring to. There are American Buffalo, Wisent (aka Eurasian Buffalo), Water Buffalo, etc.
Buffalo leather does not have a specific scientific name. It is simply referred to as buffalo leather because it is made from the skin of buffaloes.
Asian Buffalo, or by their scientific name Bubalus bubalis.
That all depends on what buffalo you are referring to: American bison, African Cape buffalo or Wild/Domestic Asian Water Buffalo?The scientific name for a domestic cow is Bos primigenius. For the American bison, it is Bison bison. For African Buffalo, it's Syncerus caffer. For Wild Asian Water Buffalo: Bubalus arnee, and for Domestic Wild Asian Water Buffalo it is Bubalus bubalus.
buffalo horn
No, they are two separate species: Cape Buffalo are from Africa and possess the scientific name Syncerus caffer and Water Buffalo are from Asia, with the scientific name Bubalus bubalis. Cape Buffalo are also larger and more muscular than water buffalo, and look quite different from Water Buffalo. For instance: A cape buffalo's horns come together at the poll and curve out and up on either side of their heads. A water buffalo's horns grow more to the back of the animal. The Cape Buffalo can also bellow like domestic cattle, along with a series of other vocalizations. Water buffalo only make grunting sounds.Please see the related links below for more information.
The scientific name for the poisonous plant Buffalo nut is Pyrularia pubera. It belongs to the family Santalaceae.
The scientific or taxonomic name would be Syncerus caffer.
The scientific name for buffalo grass is Buchloe dactyloides.
The scientific name for the Cape buffalo is Syncerus caffer. It belongs to the family Bovidae, which includes antelopes, cattle, and goats.